


1. 我是Karen, 財務部的新進員工, 請多指教!

    Hi, My name is Karen. I am the new member of the finance department. It is my pleasure to meet you!


2. 請問我們明天的會議時間為何? 以及在哪一間會議室?   

    Do you know when our meeting is tomorrow? And which meeting room is it in? / And do you know where is it?


3. 等人搭訕開場白

   a. 誒這是我們的會議室嗎 (或XXX看你是什麼活動)? Is this our meeting room?

   b. 你知道會議時候開始嗎? Do you know when the meeting is going to start?

這些是在美國等人很常見的開場白,雖然問的問題很無聊 (不過我倒是有曾經為了搭訕別人幸運的發現自己走錯教室),但是主要就是跟對方表達個善意,如果對方的回應也很友善的話就可以在課堂/社團/活動開始前彼此就先認識,如果突然要分組活動還幹嘛的,你也比別人早認識了其他人。當然啦,不是每個人都想跟陌生人聊天,因此如果對方也只是簡短的回答你的問題也不用氣餒,沒關係。


4. 我們下次的會議將會在七月二十八號星期二下午三點舉行。

    Our next meeting is going to be at 3:00pm on July 28, Tuesday.


5. 根據上次開會的結論, 我們修改了2015年度預算比例, 由原本10%調升為15%(表格請詳附件)

  a. According to our last meeting, we have modified the annual budget for 2015, changing the original 10% to 15%. Please see the attachment for details.

  b. 將原本的預算調升了5%: increasing the original budget by 5%.


6. 煩請以後請款時務必附上憑證作為證明文件, 否則將依照公司規定不予以付款

    In the future, please make sure to include the voucher as proving materials, otherwise the payment would not be made according to the company's policies. Thank you.


7. 你的表格有錯, 若收到我的信件請盡速回電給我

    I found a mistake in your chart. Please give me a call as soon as possible. My number: XXXX-XXX-XXX. Thank you.


8. 電話留言:嗨,我是Karen 我的電話是: XXXX-XXX-XXX. XXXX-XXX-XXX. (電話號碼請重複兩遍,這樣子人家比較容易記) 聽到請回電,謝謝。

Hi, this is Karen. My phone number is XXXX-XXX-XXX. XXXX-XXX-XXX. Please give me a call back. Thank you.



9. 如果想自己錄製英文版的語音信箱的話可以參考這個: 嗨,我是Karen ,我目前無法接聽您的電話,請留下您的姓名與電話,我將迅速與您聯絡,謝謝。

 Hi, this is Karen. I am not able to answer your call right now. Please leave your name and your phone number. I will give you a call back as soon as possible. Thank you.

英文不順,講話太慢的朋友,可以就只說: 請留下您的姓名與電話,謝謝。 Please leave your name and your phone number. Thank you.

畢竟這個年代了,大家都知道語音信箱在幹嘛,沒必要浪費你我的時間啊 XDDDD


10. 寫信技巧

a. 抬頭: 有PhD 或是醫生,在信的一開始一定要尊稱人家為Dr. For example: Hi Dr. Huang,

b. 問候語: 我一般如果是比較正式的書信不會用 How are you? 畢竟,問完人家還要回,很麻煩,所以我一般會說: I hope this email reaches you well. (我希望您收到這封信時人安好)

c. 結尾: 一般不管信裡是多小的事,在信的最後美國人一定會說聲謝謝 Thank you! 

d. 簽名: 在簽名以前可以附上幾個常用的祝福結語 For example, Warmest regards (致上溫暖的祝福), Best wishes (最好的心願), Sincerely (誠摯的), Best (最好的)

簽名的格式通常是: 祝福語 + "逗號" + 空兩行 + 簽名


Best wishes,  




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